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Baranyai Nóra
West Hungarian Research Institute
Central Transdanubian Department


Curriculum Vitae

Personal data

Name : Baranyai Nóra

Place and date of birth : Székesfehérvár, February 8th,1980

Marital status :


E-mail baranyain(at)
E-mail baranyai.nora(at)

Education and training

2005University of Pécs, Faculty of Humanities, Pécs — Polish Cultural Studies
2005University of Pécs, Faculty of Humanities, Pécs — Master of Sociology
2007University of Pécs, Faculty of Humanities, Pécs — Master of Arts in Political Sciences
2013University of Pécs, Faculty of Humanities, Pécs — PhD (Political Sciences)

Language skills

German (writes, reads)
Polish (reads)
English (writes, reads, lectures)

Places of work and employment

2007—2008Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Research Institute of Economics and Enterprises — research assistant
2008—2013CRS HAS, West Hungarian Research Institute, Central Transdanubian Department — junior research fellow
2014—CERS HAS, Institute for Regional Studies, West Hungarian Research Department — research fellow

Scientific activity

HAS Regional Committee in Veszprém, member
Regional Studies Association, member
Hungarian Sociological Association, member
Hungarian Regional Science Association, member


2014Erdős Pál Young Researcher Scholarship, KIH
2008—2009Young Researcher Scholarship, HAS
2010—2013Young Researcher Scholarship, HAS
2016—2019Postdoctoral Excellence Programme, NKFIH
2005Partial study on the Jagellonian University, Cracow (scholarship), Hungarian Scholarship Committee
2022Lánczos Kornél - Szekfű Gyula Ösztöndíj, Székesfehérvár Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzata

Research fields

Ethnoregionalism in Central and Eastern Europe
Urban Development
Climate Change and Society

Trips abroad

2009Visegrad Summer School 8th edition, Cracow — Poland


Complete list of publications and citations (MTMT Hungarian Scientific Bibliography)

Selected list of scientific publications

Baranyai N. (2017): Autonómiatörekvések Kelet-Közép-Európában. Pécs-Székesfehérvár: IDResearch Kft.; Publikon. 184 p.

Baranyai N. (2017): (Ethno-)regional endeavours in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Lux G, Horváth Gy (szerk.): The Routledge Handbook to Regional Development in Central and Eastern Europe. London-New York: Routledge. pp. 188-208.

Baranyai N.- Varjú V. (2017): A klímaváltozással kapcsolatos attitűdök területi sajátosságai. TERÜLETI STATISZTIKA 57:(2) pp. 160-182.

Baranyai N.-Varjú V. (2015): A lakosság klímaváltozással kapcsolatos attitűdjének empirikus vizsgálata. In: Czirfusz M, Hoyk E, Suvák A (szerk.):Klímaváltozás - társadalom - gazdaság: Hosszú távú területi folyamatok és trendek Magyarországon. Pécs: Publikon Kiadó. pp. 257-284.

Baranyai N. (2016): Social and Economic Transition in Dunaújváros and its Region. In: Szirmai V (szerk.): “Artificial Towns” in the 21st Century: Social Polarisation in the New Town Regions of East-Central Europe. Budapest: Institute for Sociology Centre for Social Sciences Hungarian Academy of Sciences. pp. 165-196.