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Perger Éva
Great Plain Research Institute
Kecskemét Department


Curriculum Vitae

Personal data

Name : Perger Éva

Place and date of birth : Budapest, December 10th,1955

Marital status : divorcee, one child


fax Centre +36 (76) 502-849
Work phone Centre +36 (76) 502-840
E-mail perger.eva(at)
E-mail perger.eva(at)

Education and training

1979University of Economics, Budapest — diploma in economics (teacher of economics)
1986University of Economics, Budapest — doctor univ. in economics
1995Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest — CSc in geography

Language skills

Russian (reads)
Greek (reads)
English (writes, reads, lectures)

Places of work and employment

1979—1981Lengyel Gyula High School, Budapest — teacher of economics
1979Hámán Kató High School, Budapest — teacher of economics
1982—1986Geographical Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest — junior research fellow
1986—1992MTA Földrajztudományi Kutatóintézet, Társadalom- és Gazdaságföldrajzi Osztály — tudományos munkatárs
1992—1995Centre for Regional Studies HAS, Budapest Department — research fellow
1995—1998Centre for Regional Studies HAS, Budapest Department — senior research fellow, scientific chief of department
1998—2001Prime Minister’s Office, Republic of Hungary (State Secretariat for Public Administration and Regional Policy) — chief counsellor
2001—2007Hungarian Institute of Public Administration, Budapest — director general
2007—2010ECOSTAT Government Institute for Strategic Research of Economy and Society, Budapest — senior research fellow
2011—2013Centre for Regional Studies HAS, Great Plain Research Institute, Kecskemét — senior research fellow (head of the institute 2011-2013)
2013—2015Institute for Regional Studies Research Centre for Economic and Regional Studies Hungarian Academy of Sciences — director
2015—2020HAS CERS Institute for Regional Studies Great Plain Research Department — head of department

Teaching activities

2002—2005lecturer, Budapest University of Economics and Administration (now Corvinus University) Faculty of Public Administration, Budapest
2012—2014lecturer, Kecskemét College, Faculty of Horticulture
2014—2016lecturer, Kecskemét College, Faculty of Horticulture, masters training
2017—2018lecturer, Neumann János (previously Pallas Athene) University, Faculty of Horticulture and Rural Development, Kecskemét
2018—titular professor, Neumann János University, Faculty of Horticulture and Rural Development, Kecskemét

Scientific activity

1987—1998IGU Commission (previously working group) of "Geography and Public Administration", member
1998—1999Network of European Metropolitan Regions and Areas (METREX), member
1998Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Committee of Regional Sciences, secretary
1998—1999Regional Development Council of the Budapest Metropolitan Region, president
1999—2000Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Committee of Regional Sciences, member of committee
2000—2002Regional Development Council of Central Hungary, member
2001—2007EIPA (European Institute of Public Administration) Board, member
2001—2008Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Scientific Committee of Public Administration, member of committee
2001—2010Hungarian Society for Urban Planning, member
2002—Hungarian Society of Economics, member
2003—2005The Social Science Advisory Board for the Government Coordination of the Modernization Program of Administrative Services,, member
2003—2007Network of the directors of European Schools and Institutes of Public Administration (DISPA), member
2008—Hungarian Regional Science Association, member
2009—2011Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Committee of Regional Sciences, secretary of the Public Administration Subcommittee
2011—2015South Great Plain Regional Monitoring Subcommittee, member
2012—Farming Development Program Judging Committee, member
2015—Territorial and settlement development OP Monitoring Committee, member
2015—2017Monitoring Committee of the Convergence Operational Programs, member


1986Junior Scientists' Award of Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2003Medallion for scientific activity in the field of home affairs
2004Honourable Mention from the Minister of the Interior
2006Gold Ring from the Minister of the Interior
2017Knight Cross Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary

Subjects taught

EU Cohesion Policy (HIPA)
Budapest Agglomeration (Budapest University of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Public Administration)
Public Finance (Government Centre for Public Administration and Human Resource Services)
Regulation and Management Structures for EU Subsidies in Hungary (HIPA)
Regional and Local Development (HIPA)
Basic knowledge of public administration (Kecskemét College, Faculty of Horticulture)
Settlement development (Neumann János (previously Pallas Athene) University, Faculty of Horticulture and Rural Development, Kecskemét)
Integrated territorial development (Neumann János (previously Pallas Athene) University, Faculty of Horticulture and Rural Development, Kecskemét)

Research fields

the territorial issues of public administration
regulation and institutional structures for regional development
metropolitan governance, the administrative structure of the Budapest Agglomeration
managing system of the EU funds in Hungary

Trips abroad

1989Center for Economic Research of the Athens School of Economics and Business Science, Athens —
1994George Washington University, Washington DC USA —
2000Cyprus Academy of Public Administration, Nicosia —
2001Government Centre for Management and Policy Studies, London (“Insight Europe” program, Sunningdale, London, Bruges, Brussels) —
2002Government Centre for Management and Policy Studies, London —


Complete list of publications and citations (MTMT Hungarian Scientific Bibliography)

Selected list of scientific publications
Perger É.: The Local Effects of Changes to the Economic Structure, Possible Conflicts between Local and Central level of Administration; The Case of a North Hungarian Mine In: G. Marcou (ed) Regional Planning and Local Government Confronted with Economic Change International Institute of Administrative Science, Bruxelles, 1988. pp 201-220
Perger É.: An Overview of East European Developments. In: Bennett, R. J. (ed.): Territory and Administration in Europe Pinter Publishers, London, 1989. pp 93-110
Perger É.: A gazdasági és közigazgatási reformok hatása a területi fejlődésre (The Effect of Economical and Administrative Reforms on Regional Development) TÉR ÉS TÁRSADALOM 1989/1, pp 31-48
Perger É; Barta Gy.: Obstaculos y possibilidades en la intergración territorial In: Autonomias y desarrollo III. seminario hispano-hungaro sobre desequilibrios regionales (ed. José Sanches y Kukorelli Irén) Pécs, MTA RKK, 1997. pp 141-153
Perger É.: A budapesti agglomeráción belüli területi koordináció lehetséges útjai. In: Csefkó F. (ed.): (Possible Pathes for Regional Coordination in Budapest Agglomeration) Tér és közigazgatás. Pécs: MTA RKK és Magyar Közigazgatási Intézet, 1994. pp 174-198.
Perger É.: A fővárosi közigazgatási reform a regionális kutatások tükrében. (Administrative Reform in Budapest from Regional Point of View) MAGYAR KÖZIGAZGATÁS 1994/12 pp 745-775.
Barta Gy. - Králik M. - Perger É.: Achievements and conflicts of modernization in Hungary. European Spatial Research and Policy, 1997/2 University of Lodz, University of Groningen, University of Bratislava, University of The West of England, Bristol, 1997
Perger É.: A területi finanszírozás harmonizációja (Harmonization of Regional Financing System) TÉR ÉS TÁRSADALOM 1998/2 MTA RKK
Perger É.: Influence of the Local Administrative Reform on the development of the Budapest Region In: M. Barlow, I. Lengyel, R. Welch (ed.) Local Development and Public Administration in Transition, Békéscsaba, Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Főiskola, 1998. pp 142-149
Perger É: A területfejlesztés eszközei és intézményei Görögországban (Tools and Institutions for Regional Development in Greece) Európai Tükör 58. 1999. pp 67-104.
Perger É: Közigazgatási dilemmák (Dilemmas in Public Administration) In: Barta Györgyi, Beluszky Pál (ed): Társadalmi-gazdasági átalakulás a Budapesti Agglomerációban (Social-economic transition in Budapest Agglomeration) Regionális Kutatás Alapítvány, Budapest 1999. pp 181-222
Perger É. Nagy-Budapest közigazgatási dilemmái (Dilemmas in Administration of “Great-Budapest) In: Tanulmányok Budapest Múltjából XXX. Budapest Főváros Levéltára,Budapest, 2002. pp 177- 200
Perger É.: A főváros és „környéke” régióként való értelmezése, a „központi régió” problémája (Budapest and it’s „Surroundings”. The Problem of a „Central Region” Administration) In: A regionális politika közigazgatási feltételei, MKI, Budapest, 2004, pp. 213-254
Perger É.: A túlközpontosított közigazgatási struktúra lebontása Görögországban (Devaluation of the Centralized Administrative System in Greece) In: Pálné Kovács I.(ed.): „Regionális reformok Európában” TIMP, Budapest, 2005, pp. 87-118
Perger É.: Közigazgatási rendszer, a terület- és településfejlesztés intézményei (The Administrative System and Institutions for Regional and Local Development in Central Hungary) In. Beluszky P. (ed.): „Közép-Magyarország” A Kárpát-medence régiói 6. MTA Regionális Kutatások Központja – Dialóg Campus Kiadó, Pécs-Budapest, 2007 pp. 367-407
Gazsó I. - Kovács R. - Perger É. - Schneider G. - Szegvári P. - Vígvári A. - Zsugyel J.: A nagyváros és környéke a kistérségi rendszer szempontjából I. II. (The City and it’s Surroundings and the Sub-region System) TERÜLETI STATISZTIKA 2008/5 pp. 524-543, 2008/6 pp. 658-674
Perger É.: Az „Alapok” mellé épült ház. Az EU támogatásokkal kapcsolatos intézményrendszer a magyar közigazgatási struktúrában” (The Institutions for Managing EU Funds in the Hungarian Administrative System) In: Szigeti E (ed.): „NYAKTAGI tanulmányok. Kitekintés a közigazgatás működésének jogi, szervezeti és térszerkezeti kereteire” ECOSTAT, időszaki-közlemények 36. Budapest 2010, pp. 245-338
Perger É.: Uniós regionális támogatások felhasználása Magyarországon (Utilisation of Community Support in Hungary) POLGÁRI SZEMLE 2009/5 pp:19-35.
 Perger É.: Az EU kohéziós politika kormányzati irányításának magyar sajátosságai (Characteristics of the Management System for EU Cohesion Policy in Hungary) TÉR ÉS TÁRSADALOM 2010/1 pp.119-136
Perger É.: Uniós decentralizáció – tagállami recentralizáció? – EU támogatások felhasználásának hatása a hazai decentralizációs folyamatokra (Decentralization in the EU Cohesion Policy – Recentralization in the Member State? The Effects of Community Support on the Decentralization Process in Hungary) in:Kákai László (ed.) 20 évesek az önkormányzatok tanulmánykötet, Publikon Kiadó, Pécs 2010 pp. 229-246
Farkas JZs, Kovács AD, Perger É  Preliminary assessment of the scattered farm development programme in Hungary LUCRARI STIINTIFICE MANAGEMENT AGRICOL 14:(1) pp. 557-564. (2012)
Perger É (ed.) TÉR ÉS TÁRSADALOM (Átalakuló magyar vidék az európai térben - Changing Hungarian Rural Space in a European context) 225 p. 2015. 29:(1) (2015)
Perger É, Farkas J Zs, Kovács A D  Delimitation and Classification of Rural Areas in Hungary  ROMANIAN REVIEW OF REGIONAL STUDIES: JOURNAL OF THE CENTRE FOR REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY 12:(1) pp. 39-50. (2016)
Perger É.: Local Responses to the Structural Changes of National Development Policyin Hungarian Rural Regions EASTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRYSIDE 22:(1) pp. 69-83. (2016)