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SZIRMAI Viktória

Szirmai Viktória
West Hungarian Research Institute
Central Transdanubian Department


Curriculum Vitae

Personal data

Name : Szirmai Viktória

Place and date of birth : Budapest, April 22nd,1944

Marital status : married, one child


landline Centre +36 (22) 543-479
fax Centre +36 (22) 543-479
E-mail szirmai(at)

Education and training

1969Faculty of Arts, Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences, Budapest — graduated in Philosophy and History
1976Faculty of Arts, Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences, Budapest — Doctor of University in Sociology
1985Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest — CSc in Sociological Sciences
1997Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest — DSc in Sociological Sciences
1998Department of Settlement and Landscape Architechture, Corvinus University of Budapest — habilitation
2005Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences — university professor

Language skills

French (writes, reads, lectures)
English (writes, reads, lectures)

Places of work and employment

1969—1970Department of Sociology, College of Political Science, Budapest — Trainee
1970—1985Department of Sociology, College of Political Science, Budapest — Assistant Professor
1985—1988Department of Sociology, College of Political Science, Budapest — Associate Professor
1988—1998Centre of Social Conflicts Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest — Senior Research Fellow, Head of Department
1998—Urban and Environmental Sociological Research Department, Institute of Sociology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest — Senior Research Fellow, Scientific Consultant, Head of Department
2000—2011Centre for Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, West Hungarian Research Institute, Central Transdanubian Department, Székesfehérvár — Head of Department
2006—2011European Urban and Regional Studies Department, Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences, Székesfehérvár — Head of Department

Teaching activities

1998—2002Private University Professor, European Urban and Regional Studies Department, Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences, Székesfehérvár
2004—University Professor, Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences

Scientific activity

1990—Regional Scientific Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, member
1990—Hungarian Society for Urban Planning, member
1991—1995OTKA College of Social Sciences, Sociology Jury, member
1994—Settlement Science Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, member
1994—1997Hungarian Society for Urban Planning, Committee, member of committee
1995—2000Doctoral Council of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Sociological and Demographic Expert Committee, member
1997—2005Hungarian Sociological Society, Environment-Sociological Department, president
1997—Hungarian Sociological Society, member of the presidium
1999—2002OTKA College of Social Sciences, Sociology Jury, member
1999Hungarian Sociological Society, vice-president
2000—2006Hungarian Accreditation Committee, Committee of Sociological Sciences, member
2001Hungarian Sociological Society, president
2002Hungarian Sociological Society, vice-president
2002—Settlement Science Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, president
2003—2007‘VAHAVA’ (‘Change – Effect – Reponse’), Scientific Council, member
2004—Hungarian UNESCO Committee (MOST), member
2005—Kodolányi European Integration Research and Development Institute, Interational Advisory Board, member
2006—Sixth Framework Programme. Governance for Sustainability (G-FORS), Advisory Board, member
2006—European Sciences Foundation (ESF), international expert
2006—European Urban Research Association (EURA), member
2006—World Society of Ekistics (EKISTICS), member
2006—Association of Alba Polis Science Park, vice-president
2006—Hungarian Sociological Society, Environment and Regional Sociological Department, president
2006—Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences, Senate, member
2008—Regional Scientific Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, vice-president


2008Széchenyi Award

Editorial Membership

1986—1989Sociological Review
2000—Sociological Review

Subjects taught

The main issues of urban sociology (Szent István University, Gödöllő)
MLE Esti Egyetem (ML University, Budapest)
The main problems of urban sociology (ELTE, Faculty of Sciences, Budapest)
The social and political mechanisms of the ecological lobbying (ELTE, Faculty of Sciences, Budapest)
Introduction to the social ecology (BME Faculty of Architecture, PhD programme)
Spatial inequalities (Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences, Székesfehérvár)
The social conflicts of the settlement planning (Szent István University, Gödöllő)
Human ecology (Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences, Székesfehérvár)
Environmental policy and civil society (ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences, Budapest)
General sociology (Political College, Budapest)

Research fields

Urban sociology, Environmental sociology, Urban and social inequalities
Social determining factors of urban competitiveness, Eastern-Central Europe including Hungary
Social and environmental conflicts, Social consequences of the climate change

Trips abroad

1994—1995Study Trip — France
1996Study Trip — France
2000Conference participation: European Cities: Networks and Crossroads Fifth International Conference on Urban History, Berlin — Germany
2000Study Trip — France
2000Conference participation: Nouvelles Urbanites, Nouvelles Ruralites en Europe, Strassbourg — France
2001Conference participation: IV Seminaro Hispano-Húngaro, Nuevos problemas regionales y retos para el siglo, Madrid — Spain
2001Conference participation: Seminare le Programme International de Cooperation Scientifique: L'évolution des rapports sociaux entre espaces urbains et espaces ruraux. Mecanismes locaux et évaluation des effets de l'entree dans l'Union Europeenne de la Hongrie et de la Pologne, Warsaw — Poland
2005Conference participation: Forward Look on Urban Science – Final Conference. European Science Foundation, Helsinki — Finland
2006Governance for Sustainability (G-Fors) Advisory Board Meeting, Berlin — Germany
20074Cities UNICA Euromaster in Urban Studies, Interdisciplinary Master Programme Symposium, Wien — Austria
2007Study Trip — France
20084Cities UNICA Euromaster in Urban Studies, Interdisciplinary Master Programme, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid — Spain


L’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris — France
L’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris — France


Enyedi, Gy. – Szirmai, V. (1992): Budapest. A Central European Capital. /In the World Cities Series/ Belhaven Press a division of Pinter Publishers LTD. London, p. 183.

Szirmai, V.: (1992): Die Rolle Ökologisch - sozialer Bewegungen in Ungarn. In: Nissen, S.: Modernisierung nach dem Socialismus. Metropolis Verlag, Marburg, pp. 141-163.

Szirmai, V. (1993): The Structural Mechanisms of the Organisation of Ecological - Social Movements in Hungary. In: Environment and Democratic Transition, Policy and Politics in Central and Eastern Europe. Edited by Vári, A. and Tamás, P., Kluver Academic Publishers, Dordecht, Boston, London, pp. 146-157.

Szirmai, V.(1996): Közép-európai új városok az átmenetben. (Central-European New Towns in the Transition) In: Szociológiai Szemle, No. 3-4., pp. 181-205.

Szirmai, V. (1996): Protection of the Environment and the Position of Green Movements in Hungary. In: Environmental and Housing Movements. Grassroots Experience in Hungary, Russia and Estonia. Edited by Pickvance Láng, K.-Manning, N.-Szirmai, V.-Pickvance, Ch., Avebury, pp. 23-88.

Enyedi, Gy. – Szirmai, V. (1998): Environmental Movements and Civil Society in Hungary. In: Environment and Society in Eastern Europe, Edited by Andrew Tickle & Ian Welsh, Longman,.pp. 46-156 .

Szirmai, V. (1998): ’Socialist’ Cities (New Towns) in the Postsocialist Era. In: Social Change and Urban Restructuring in Central Europe. Edited by: Enyedi, Gy., Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 169-189

Szirmai, V. (1988): „Csinált” városok (’Made’ Cities). /Gyorsuló Idő sorozat/ Magvető Kiadó, Budapest. p. 240.

Szirmai, V.: (1998). Városi társadalmi problémák és devianciák (Urban Social Conflicts and Deviancies) In: A magyar településrendszer és településkörnyezet. Enyedi, Gy. (szerk.) KTM, Budapest,

Szirmai, V. (1998): Társadalmi konfliktusok szereplői, kezelésük (Participants of Social Conflicts and Their Management) In: A magyar településrendszer és településkörnyezet. Enyedi, Gy. (szerk.) KTM, Budapest,

Szirmai, V. (1999): A környezeti érdekek Magyarországon (Environmental Interests in Hungary). Pallas Studió, Budapest, p. 191.

Haumont N. – Jalowiecki B. – Munro M. – Szirmai, V. (1999): Villes nouvelles et villes traditionelles. Une comparaison internationale. Edition l’Harmattan, Paris. p. 342.

Szirmai, V. – A. Gergely, A. – Baráth, G. – Molnár, B. – Szépvölgyi, Á. (2003): The City and its Environment /Competition and/or Cooperation?/ Centre for Regional Studies. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Discussion Papers, Pécs,. 33.p.

Szirmai, V. – Baráth, G. (2003): Globalizzazione e urbanistica, la cultura cittadina a Budapest. In: C. Stroppa: La cultura urbana tra passato e futuro, Una ricerca sociologica a Milano, Budapest e Praga,  FrancoAngeli, Milano, pp. 222-239.

Szirmai, V. (2005): Desigualdades en las grandes citudades y sociales en Hungria (Nagyvárosi egyenlőtlenségek és társadalmi konfliktusok Magyarországon) In: IV. Semonario Hispano-Hungaro: Nuevos problemas regionales y retos para el siglo XXI. IV. Magyar – Spanyol szeminárium: Új regionális problémák és kihívások a XXI. században. (Coord./Szerk: Dr. José Sánchez Sánchez, Szörényiné Kukorelli Irén, UNED – MTA RKK, Madrid, pp. 47-58, pp. 217-227.

Szirmai V. (2004): Globalizáció és a nagyvárosi tér társadalmi szerkezete (Globalization and the Social Structure of the Metropolitan Space). In: Szociológiai Szemle, No. pp. 3-25.

Szirmai V. – Baráth G. (2005): Global Urban Development in Budapest and the Role of Architecture. In: Gy. Barta, É. G. Fekete, I. K. Szörényiné, J. Timár (eds.) Hungarian Spaces and Places: Patterns of Transition. CRS HAS, Pécs. 434-449. pp.

Szirmai V. (2005): Introduction to the State of the Hungarian Urban Research. European Science Foundation Forward Look on Urban Science – Final Conference. Helsinki, Finland.

Szirmai, V. (2006): Socially Sustainable Urban Development in the Historic Urban Centres of East Central Europe” In: Enyedi, Gy.-Kovács, Z. (ed.): Social Changes and Social Sustainability in Historical Urban Centres. The Case of Central Europe. HAS Centre for Regional Studies, Pécs. pp. 20-38.

Szirmai, V. (2006): Environmental Protcetion and Society. (Result and Conflicts) In: Environmental Science and Technology in Hungary. Ed. Lang, I. Commissioned by The Ministry of Environmental and Water.

Szirmai V. – Baráth G. (2006): Dynamiques et inégalités urbaines en Hongrie. In: La Nouvelle Alternative. Vol. 21. N .69-70. pp. 155-166.

Szirmai, V. (2006): Evalution of the Conceptual Framework. – G–FORS Working Paper, 5. pp. 1–6.

Szirmai, V. (2007): Protection de l’environnement dans le développement des territories urbains en Hongrie. In: Luginbühl, Y. (dir.): Nouvelles urbanités, nouvelles ruralités en Europe. Bruxelles, Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien. 2007.

Szirmai, V. (2007): The Social Characteristics of the Hungarian Historic City Centres. Centre for Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Discussion Papers No.58., Pécs, p. 35.

Szirmai, V. /ed/. (2007): Social Inequalities in Urban Areas and Globalization. The Case of Central Europe. Based on the Results of the Project ’Urban Areas, Socio–spatial Inequalities and Conflicts – The Socio–spatial Factors of European Competitiveness’. Centre for Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Pécs, 2007. p. 115 (Discussion papers special).

Szirmai V. /ed/ (2009): A várostérségi versenyképesség társadalmi tényezői. (The Social Factors of the Urban  Area’s Competitiveness) Dialóg Campus Kiadó, Pécs – Budapest. p.320.

Szirmai, V. – Váradi, Zs. – Kovács, Sz. – Schuchmann, J. – Baranyai, N (2010): Territorial consumption issues of urban sprawl in Central European capitals, especially in the Budapest Metropolitan Region. In: Csáki, Cs. (Ed.): Society and Economy, Akadémia Kiadó, Budapest (in print)

Szirmai, V. – Váradi, Zs. – Kovács, Sz. – Schuchmann, J. (2010): The ageing issues in the large Hungarian urban regions. In: Kovács, Z. (Ed.): Challenges of Ageing in Place: The Central and Eastern European Experience (in print)

Szirmai, V. /ed./ (2010): Közép-Dunántúl (Central Transdanubia). Pécs-Budapest: MTA Regionális Kutatások Központja – Dialóg Campus Kiadó (in print)