CE RESPONSIBLE - Empowering Social Business in Central Europe |
Our project supports social entrepreneurs and connects them to established industries. We build ecosystems for social entrepreneurs to thrive and grow. It is an Interreg Central Europe project called CE RESPONSIBLE - Empowering Social Business in Central Europe.
We connect socially responsible entrepreneurs in Central Europe who would like to offer their resources to social entrepreneurs and are genuinely altruistic. Our approach is innovative because successful entrepreneurs connect with social entrepreneurs through the developed platform. It is a win-win situation: while the social entrepreneurs gain needed knowledge and expertise, successful entrepreneurs get an organized system to provide support. This will also be a positive change for the whole system because social entrepreneurship usually mostly depends on public funds and this way the government would be able to save or relocate funds.
The project will allow a transnational mutual learning process of partners with different experiences, but similar challenges. During this project the partners will:
Develop and implement three strategic documents for improving skills and competences
Central Europe roadmap for upscaling support to social entrepreneurship sector
Central Europe sustainable framework model supporting specifics of social entrepreneurship
Policy recommendations
Develop and implement four tools for improving skills and competences
Central Europe support and networking platform with related tools
Altruistic entrepreneurs’ international association
Coaching toolbox for social entrepreneurs
Coaching toolbox for altruistic entrepreneurs (mentors)
Implement seven pilot actions for testing developed bottom-up support tools
The implementation of project activities is planned for the period from April 1, 2019, to March 31, 2022. The project value is 2.305.950,00 € and the project is supported by the INTERREG Central Europe Programme of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Total co-financing amounts are 1.913.507,50 €. The project consortium includes project partners from Slovenia, Italy, Germany, Croatia, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, and Austria.
Partners at a glance:
E-Institute - Institute for comprehensive Development solutions (SI)
Metropolitan City of Bologna (IT)
Ikosom – Institute for communication and social media (DE)
Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna (IT)
Brodoto – Social impact creative agency (CR)
Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (SK)
Centre for Economic and Regional Studies - Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU)
Municipality of Kielce/Kielce Technology Park (PL)
South Bohemian Agency for Support to Innovative Enterprising (CZ)
University of Applied Sciences Salzburg (AT)
Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (HU)
More information about the project will be on the official project website and related social media channels soon.
The website of the project