Our research centre was represented by our colleagues Melinda Mihály (IRS CERS HAS, Békéscsaba), György Molnár (IE CERS HAS) and Attila Havas (IE CERS HAS). They discussed the ongoing social enterprise-related research within the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in their lectures:
György Molnár and Attila Havas: Tackling marginalisation with a complex approach
Katalin Kovács, Melinda Mihály, Katalin Rácz and Gábor Velkey: Beyond the economic dimension - social and environmental impact of a Producer Organisation

Hereby the organizers would like to thank to Áron Jakab (IFKA, Fruit of Care), Sára Fábián (Amigos) and Laura Tóth (NESsT) for sharing their knowledge about the Hungarian context of social enterprises as well as the Hungarian researchers who introduced altogether 11 researches concerning social enterprises. The organizers wish to thank for the authors of the COST EMPOWER-SE WG1 for presenting their research (country contributions and comparative chapters on social enterprises across Europe) and for the 14 facilitators of the World Café for the vivid discussions! We will soon publish the 11 posters that were presented on the COST Empower-SE meeting and a stakeholder brief about the main issues emerging on this meeting. Until that please have a look at one of the international participant’s (Nadia Johanisova’s) take on this meeting.