The international workshop was attended by more than twenty scholars from all over the world, majority from Central European countries, but several from outside Europe – South America, Israel – as well. Presented papers investigated national territorial reform issues, advantages, disadvantages of centralisation and decentralisation in general, however some presentations focused on spatial aspects of specific sectoral policies (e.g. tourism, education). Some contributors highlighted the interconnectivity of territorial governance and management of the European Structural and Investment Funds (Common Agricultural Policy, implementation of Integrated Territorial Investment).

Ilona Pálné Kovács – member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, co-chair of the workshop on behalf of the Centre for Regional Studies in Pécs – emphasised the importance of interdisciplinary approach and looking beyond Europe. It is an obligation of the academic society to provide convincing evidences on the necessity of spatially sensitive governance, in particular under current circumstances, when advantages of decentralisation are often questioned.