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New publication of Sass Magdolna, Gál Zoltán and Juhász Bálint in Post-communist Economies

The impact of FDI on host countries: the analysis of selected service industries in the Visegrad countries.

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South-Transylvania and Banat

The ninth volume of the „Regions of the Carpathian Basin” published under the edition of László Faragó, deputy director-general of the Centre for Regional Studies successfully habilitated at the Széchenyi István University. His presentations were titled „Regionalism and policentricity, tasks in Hungary” and „Compendious standard principles of spatial theory”.

5th Alföld Congress: Polarization–Dependence–Crisis – Various spatial responses

International transdisciplinary conference held on 7th-8th November, 2013 in Békéscsaba. The conference is organised also to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the foundation of the Békéscsaba Department.

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György Enyedi receives Hild Award

The Hungarian Society for Urban Planning granted the Hild János Award to György Enyedi "for the development and the teaching of regional science” on April 3. The award is donated biennially to no more than three persons.

Call for papers - Hungarian Regional Science Association 12nd Annual Meeting

Veszprém, 27–28 November 2014

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Successful habilition of Teréz Kovács

Teréz Kovács, scientific adviser of the Transdanubian Research Institute, habilitated at the University of Debrecen, Centre of Agricultural and Technical Sciences on November 4 (result: 96 %). Her presentations entitled „Businesses based on local initiative in rural areas of Hungary” were held in Hungarian and English.

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Tünde Virág receives Polányi Károly Award

The Hungarian Sociological Association grants Polányi Károly Award for the most excellent publication of the year in the field of sociology. The award was granted to Tünde Virág for her publication in the Review of Sociology 2008/1, entitled Changing Socio-Economic Conditions in a Roma Village.

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CRS 25 years old

The presentations of the jubilee conference entitled „Regional science and the practice of territorial policy-making in the Carpathian Basin” are available.

Scientific activity report of the Institute for Regional Studies, year 2013

Contents: I. Main duties of the research institute. II. Outstanding research results. III. National and international relations. IV. Research proposals, winning in 2013. V. List of important publications.

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Journal website upgrade

The website of the journals published by MTA KRTK Institute for Regional Studies was upgraded to the newest version of the journal management system Open Journal Systems.

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Scientific activity report of the Institute for Regional Studies, year 2012

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Zoltán Gál elected member of the Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship editorial board

The new journal launched by Springer places emphasis on the interdisciplinary, temporal and spatial approaches of the topic as well.

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Gyula Horváth elected honorary member of the Bulgarian Geographical Society

The General Director of the Centre for Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences was elected honorary member of the Bulgarian Geographical Society in recognition of his internationally renowned contribution to the development of regional sciences and the successful leadership of Bulgarian-Hungarian spatial development research programmes. Gyula Horváth received the honorary award in Sofia on the 14th of October, 2010.

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Discussion Papers No. 93.

Gyula Horváth: From spatial research to regional science

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Youth Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Congratulations! Zoltán Csizmadia, research fellow of the WHRI received the Youth Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for his outstanding science activity.

Melinda Smahó defends doctoral dissertation

Melinda Smahó, research fellow of the WHRI successfully defended her doctoral dissertation entitled „The Relations of Knowledge and Regional Development” in the Doctorate School of Regional Science and Economics, Széchenyi István University on March 12, 2009.

New book of Zoltán Csizmadia – 22th september 2009

New book of Zoltán Csizmadia

titled "Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation” published by Napvilág.

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Publication of „Subsidiarity and regionalism in the organisation of the Church and the State”.

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Scientific activity report of the Centre for Regional Studies, year 2011

Contents: main tasks, outstanding research results, dialogue between science and society, domestic and international co-operation, winning proposals, important publications.

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Junior Scientists’ Award of Hungarian Academy of Sciences for Gábor Lux

Gábor Lux, research fellow of the Transdanubian Research Institute of CRS HAS obtained the Junior Scientists’ Award for his outstanding scientific achievements.

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Publication of “Bioenergetics − Society − balanced rural development”

Collection of studies of the Department of Debrecen of the CRS of the HAS.

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Séminaire Enyedi – Paris, 21 novembre 2012

Accès Université de Paris8 – Saint-Denis, salle D006.

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Dóra Nagyné Demeter defends doctoral dissertation

Dóra Nagyné Demeter, research fellow of the Debrecen Department of the Great Plain Research Institute of the CRS of the HAS defended her doctoral dissertation entitled „The situation of family farms in Hajdú-Bihar county” with summa cum laude in the Kálmán Kerpely Doctoral School of the University of Debrecen on April 28, 2009.

New publications of Viktor Varjú, Tünde Virág and James W. Scott in Ethnic and Racial Studies

Special Issue: Racialized Bordering Discourses on European Roma. Krisztina Keresztély, James W. Scott & Tünde Virág: Roma communities, urban development and social bordering in the inner city of Budapest. Viktor Varjú & Shayna Plaut: Media mirrors? Framing Hungarian Romani migration to Canada in Hungarian and Canadian press. Nira Yuval-Davis, Viktor Varjú, Miika Tervonen, Jamie Hakim & Mastoureh Fathi: Press discourses on Roma in the UK, Finland and Hungary.

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INVITATION – The development prospects of industrial cities in Central Europe

Within the framework of the project „Győr Automotive Region as the new trend and means of spatial development” we would like to invite you to our conference, to be held in Győr on 21 May.

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Pro Regio Award for Zoltán Hajdú

István Varga, Minister of National Development and Economy honoured Zoltán Hajdú, scientific advisor of the Transdanubian Research Institute with Pro Regio Award.

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New publication of László Faragó and James W. Scott in European Planning Studies

Policy governance from an autopoietic perspective: revisiting Hungary’s regionalization experience.

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Publication of the book of Tünde Virág

Entitled: 'Excluded. Rural ghettos on the edge of the country.'

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Certificate of Merit of the Romanian Regional Science Association

celebrating its 10th Anniversary to Gyula Horváth in honour of his achievements in Romanian-Hungarian scientific cooperation.

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Gábor Lux defends doctoral dissertation

Gábor Lux research fellow of the Transdanubian Research Institute of the CRS of the HAS, succesfully defended his doctoral dissertation (result: 100%) entitled "The transformation of Industrial Regions in Central Europe" in the Doctoral School in Regional Policy and Economics of the University of Pécs on December 7, 2009.

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Artobolevsky, Sergey Sergeievich (1953–2014)

It is sad news to hear of Sergey’s death, but he left us with many great contributions and much to celebrate in his life. He was a major figure in Russian and European regional science. He was leading person of the work of the Russian–Hungarian regional science cooperation.

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New publication of László Faragó and Krisztina Varró in European Planning Studies

The Politics of Spatial Policy and Governance in Post-1990 Hungary: The Interplay Between European and National Discourses of Space.

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The meeting of regions: Csallóköz, Kisalföld

A Round Table Conference was organised by the Hungarian Cultural Institute of Prague in the Czech capital attended by head of institute Mihály Lados.

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New book of Zoltán Gál

"The Golden Age of Local Banking" – The Hungarian Banking Network in the Early 20th Century.

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Conference, 26-27 March 2015 in Pécs

We are inviting you to participate at the Conference of Perspectives of Renewable Energy in the Danube Region. The participation is free but there is a need for registration.

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Towards European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation

Towards EGTC: Evaluating Influence of the Perception of the Borders on the Cross-Border Policies and Cooperation in Serbia. Discussion Papers No. 91 (2013)

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International conference in Moscow – 11 September 2014

Regional development in Central Europe and Russia. Territorial disparities of science and innovation.

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International Conference for the 70th Anniversary of the Transdanubian Research Institute (27th–28th of June 2013, Pécs, Hungary)

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Balázs Duray defends PhD dissertation

Balázs Duray defended his PhD dissertation (result: 96%) titled „Landscape dynamics evaluation − Modeling relations of land-use change and regeneration potential” in the Doctoral School of Geosciences of the Szeged University on June 24.

New publication of Péter Balogh and Márton Pete in Journal of Borderlands Studies

Bridging the Gap: Cross-border Integration in the Slovak–Hungarian Borderland around Štúrovo–Esztergom.

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Regional Innovation Conference – Székesfehérvár, November 20, 2009.

"Successes and questions of regionalisation efforts in Hungarian innovation policy”

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Regional Studies Association Annual International Conference 2010 Pécs

Call for bursaries (applicants from non EU25 countries)

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ViTo final conference - May 30, 2012

In Ptuj, Slovenia. ViTo - Integrated Urban Development of Vital Historic Towns as Regional Centres in South East Europe.

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Workshop meeting – June 21, 2012

The Institute of Regional Studies in collaboration with the European Studies Institute of the University of Genève organised a scientific forum in Pécs titled „The Swiss-Hungarian specifics of inter-settlement relations – research and practice”.

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Publication of a book by Zoltán Csizmadia and András Grosz

Innovation and cooperation – The impact of social networks on innovation

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IPA REGPHOSYS project started

The Photovoltaic Systems as Actuators of Regional Development programme focuses on research in the domains of technical sciences, natural science and social science.

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Ferenc Erdősi Ministerial Delegate

Ferenc Erdősi, scientific adviser of the Transdanubian Research Institute, delegate of the Ministry of Transport, Telecommunication and Energy was elected president of the South Transdanubian Regional Transport Special Committee on September 28, 2009.

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New publication of Tünde Virág and Monika Váradi in Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie

Spatial Exclusion and Boundary-Making in Different Roma Neighbourhoods in Hungarian Rural Small Towns.

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Zoltán Grünhut defended his PhD thesis

On the 15th of June, 2012, Zoltán Grünhut, research fellow of the Transdanubian Research Institute defended his PhD thesis titled „Self-governance and settlement policy in Israel” at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of the Pécs University of Sciences.

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University Professor appointments

Three Scientific Advisors of our Institute received the title of University Professor from the President of the Republic on September 6, 2010. The number of University Professors employed in the Centre for Regional Studies of the HAS rose to 12 with the appointment of Béla Baranyi (University of Debrecen), Teréz Kovács (University of Kaposvár) and Viktória Szirmai (Kodolányi János College).

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Bálint Koós defends doctoral dissertation

Bálint Koós, research fellow of the Department of Spatial Development Research of the CRS of the HAS, successfully defended his doctoral dissertation entitled Economic Suburbanisation from the Perspective of Corporation Demographics through an Example from Hungary at the Corvinus University of Budapest, Doctoral School of Economics on November 25, 2009.

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New publication of Judit Timár and Gábor Velkey in Journal of Rural Studies

The relevance of the political economic approach: The interpretations of the rural in the migration decision of young women and men in an economically backward region.

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The principle of subsidiarity in the focal point of interest in Europe again

The volume edited by Alessandro Colombo titled „Subsidiarity Governance, Theoretical and Empirical Models” contains works of Hungarian authors as well.

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Research activities of our institute in the most recent issue of Hungarian Science

The thematic issue published in April 2012 deals with the regional transformation of countries of the Western Balkans. The studies summarise the research results of the Institute of Regional Studies.

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Scientific Award of the Regional Committee of the HAS for Gábor Lux

At the celebration of Hungarian Science, Gábor Lux, research fellow of the Transdanubian Research Institute obtained the Scientific Award of the Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences at Pécs.

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Publication of „The transformation of the peasant economy and society”

by Teréz Kovács

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Energy policy under the pressure of arguments and interests – Pécs, November 19, 2009.

The conference organised on the Feast of Hungarian Science will be held at the Pécs Academic Comittee of HAS.

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Scientific activity report of the Centre for Regional Studies, year 2010

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Ilona Pálné Kovács received the Bibó István Award

In 2011 the Hungarian Political Science Association and the Bibó István Foundation granted the Award to the Head of the South Transdanubian Research Institute, Ilona Pálné Kovács.

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Cecília Mezei Outstanding Young Regionalist

The Outstanding Young Regionalist Award of the Hungarian Regional Science Association was granted to Cecília Mezei, research fellow of the South Transdanubian Research Institute.

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Discussion Papers No. 94.

Michele Tubaldi: An attempt at socio-economic regeneration through culture in a Central European city: the case of Pécs.

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Book presentation – 20th September 2012

The Committee of Regional Science of the HAS cordially invites you to a book presentation of Subsidiarity Governance, Theoretical and Empirical Models.

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Gábor Velkey defended his doctoral dissertation

On the 30th of June 2011, Gábor Velkey, research fellow of the Great Plain Research Institute defended his PhD dissertation titled „The domestic system, functional disorders and renewal of (professional) training” at the University of Pécs Faculty of Business and Economics Doctoral School in Regional Policy and Economics.

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Scientific activity report of the Institute for Regional Studies, year 2014

Contents: I. Main duties of the research institute. II. Outstanding research results. III. National and international relations. IV. Research proposals, winning in 2014. V. List of important publications.

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Márton Czirfusz defended his PhD dissertation

On March 21, 2012 Márton Czirfusz, junior research fellow at the Central and North Hungarian Research Department defended his PhD dissertation (summa cum laude, 96%) entitled Occupational restructuring as a scientific concept in Hungarian human geography.

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Ilona Pálné Kovács Kolnai Aurél Award

Ilona Pálné Kovács, director of the Transdanubian Research Institute received the Kolnai Aurél Award of the Hungarian Political Science Association for her book entitled „Local Governance in Hungary”.

Call for Applications – Vacancy for Researcher at the Transdanubian Department

The Transdanubian Department of the Institute for Regional Studies Centre for Economic and Regional Studies is recruiting a full time (40 hours per week) researcher with a contract for an indefinite period. The deadline for the submission of the applications: 20 September 2021. Further details can be found at the following link.

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New Challenges of Decentralization – Pécs, 9-10 May 2019

Workshop of the International Geographical Union Commission Geography of Governance and HAS CERS Institute for Regional Studies. Deadline for abstract submission: 15 January 2019.

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Márta Nárai defends doctoral dissertation

Márta Nárai, research fellow of the West Hungarian Research Institute of the HAS, successfully defended her doctoral dissertation entitled "The Role of Nonprofit Organisations in the Life of Local Societies" on June 12, 2009 in the Sociology Doctorate School, Eötvös Lóránd University on June 12, 2009.

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State award to Bálint Csatári

For the occasion of our national holiday 15th March, Bálint Csatári head of the Kecskemét Department of the Great Plain Research Institute received the Officer's Cross Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary.

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Gyula Horváth elected member of the Regional Research of Russia editorial board

The editor of the journal launched in 2011 is Springer Verlag.

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Cecília Mezei awarded Bolyai Scholarship

The successful project of the research fellow of the Transdanubian Research Institute titled „Constraint paths in development” examining the economic development role and opportunities of local governments was honoured by the three-year long János Bolyai Research Scholarship.

HRSA annual meeting on November 12–13, 2009, Subotica

The theme of the 7th annual meeting of the Hungarian Regional Science Association is cross border and transnational cooperation.

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Internationalisation of Social Sciences in Central and Eastern Europe

The editors of the book published by Routledge are Ilona Pálné Kovács and Dagmar Kutschar.

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Pro Regio Award for Mihály Lados

On 15 March, Sándor Pintér Minister of Interior Affairs honoured Mihály Lados, head of the West Hungarian Research Institute of CRS HAS with Pro Regio Award.

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Danube Region – Analysis and Long-Term Development Trends of the Macro-Region

Discussion Papers No. 90 (2013) prepared for Territorial Scenarios and Visions for Europe ESPON Territorial 2050 Project.

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Scientific activity report of the Institute for Regional Studies, year 2016

Contents: I. Main duties of the research institute. II. Outstanding research results. III. National and international relations. IV. Research proposals, winning in 2016. V. List of important publications.

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Call for participation – Cluj-Napoca, 18-19 October 2014

6th International Conference and the 10th

Anniversary of the Centre for Regional Geography Babes-Bolyai University, in collaboration with the CERS HAS Institute for Regional Studies and the Romanian Academy Cluj-Napoca Subsidiary Geography Section.

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Gergely Tagai defended his doctoral dissertation

On the 5th of December 2011 Gergely Tagai, junior research fellow of the Central and North Hungarian Research Institute defended his PhD dissertation (100%) entitled Spatial interaction models in regional studies at the Eötvös Loránd University Doctoral School of Earth Sciences.

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Towards an open and competitive economy Budapest, April 5, 2011

The presentation of Mihály Lados Head of the West Hungarian Research Institute related to the EU2020 Strategy titled "Innovation of regions"

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Day of Spatial Development Experts 2009 – The presentations and the official standpoint of the Balatonkenese conference are available

The Hungarian Regional Science Association organised for the first time the Day of Spatial Development Experts, with 230 participants.

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Successful Regphosys workshop in Sellye, 26th November 2013

The aim of the workshop was twofold: on the one hand, to showcase the details of Sellyei Solar Power Plant project, to give an account on the experiences of operation, and on the other hand, based on Hungarian and Croatian researches, to reveal the key factors that promote or mostly hamper solar energy investments.

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Terézia Nagy defends doctoral dissertation

Terézia Nagy junior research fellow of the Békéscsaba Department, succesfully defended her doctoral dissertation (cum laude) entitled "Attachments and Failures.

Role of Ties and Failures of Ties in Integration. Results of a Fieldwork among Refugees" in the Institute of Sociology and Social Policy of Corvinus University of Budapest on April 15, 2010.

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New publication of Fabula Szabolcs and Timár Judit in Cities

Violations of the right to the city for women with disabilities in peripheral rural communities in Hungary.

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Publication of the monograph written by Zoltán Gál

„Financial markets in the global space − financial space disrupted by the crisis”

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The research fellows of CRS in MTA committees

The vote electing the members of the scientific committees of the Academy was concluded. 15 members of the Centre for Regional Studies were elected committee members for 3 years by the Public Body Members of MTA.

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Scientific activity report of the Institute for Regional Studies, year 2017

Contents: I. Main duties of the research institute. II. Outstanding research results. III. National and international relations. IV. Research proposals, winning in 2017. V. List of important publications.

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The Lombardy Project

Alessandro Colombo's presentation in the public showing of the book on Subsidiarity Governance, Theoretical and Empirical Models.

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Kemény Bertalan Village Development Award

Katalin Kovács, head of department of the Department of Spatial Development Research, CRS, HAS received the newly established Kemény Bertalan Village Development Award.

Central and North Hungarian Research Institute has been relocated

From February 2012 the Central and North Hungarian Research Institute and the journal Tér és Társadalom moved from the Teréz krt. address.

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Alternative Routes Between the Far East and Europe

With Special Regard to the Foreign Trade of Hungary. Discussion Papers No. 92 (2013)

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Ede Petrás defends doctoral dissertation

Ede Petrás junior research fellow of the Great Plain Research Institute of the CRS of the HAS, succesfully defended his doctoral dissertation (summa cum laude) entitled "Local Impacts of Higher Education Institutions in the Great Hungarian Plain" in the Doctoral School of Humanities of the University of Debrecen on February 17, 2010.

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Jenő Zsolt Farkas defended his PhD thesis

Jenő Zsolt Farkas, researcher of the Great Plain Institute successfully defended his PhD thesis titled "Agrarian and rural geographical research with case studies from Bács-Kiskun county" with a result of summa cum laude at the Doctoral School of Geosciences of the University of Szeged on the 20th of October 2010.

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Bolyai-plaquette for Erika Nagy

Erika Nagy senior research fellow was granted a Bolyai-plaquette by the Board of the Bolyai Grant for her outstanding research activity during the grant. The award was granted by the MTA’s President on the Bolyai-day on the 27th of June, 2012.

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Habilitation of Zoltán Gál

Zoltán Gál, senior research fellow of the Transdanubian Research Institute, successfully habilitated at the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Pécs. His presentations titled "Financial markets in the global space: concentration or fragmention?” were held in Hungarian and English.

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