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The portal of IRS is under construction.
New publication of Sass Magdolna, Gál Zoltán and Juhász Bálint in Post-communist Economies
South-Transylvania and Banat
5th Alföld Congress: Polarization–Dependence–Crisis – Various spatial responses
György Enyedi receives Hild Award
Call for papers - Hungarian Regional Science Association 12nd Annual Meeting
Successful habilition of Teréz Kovács
Tünde Virág receives Polányi Károly Award
CRS 25 years old
Scientific activity report of the Institute for Regional Studies, year 2013
Journal website upgrade
Scientific activity report of the Institute for Regional Studies, year 2012
Zoltán Gál elected member of the Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship editorial board
Gyula Horváth elected honorary member of the Bulgarian Geographical Society
Discussion Papers No. 93.
Youth Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Melinda Smahó defends doctoral dissertation
New book of Zoltán Csizmadia – 22th september 2009
Publication of „Subsidiarity and regionalism in the organisation of the Church and the State”.
Scientific activity report of the Centre for Regional Studies, year 2011
Junior Scientists’ Award of Hungarian Academy of Sciences for Gábor Lux
Publication of “Bioenergetics − Society − balanced rural development”
Séminaire Enyedi – Paris, 21 novembre 2012
Dóra Nagyné Demeter defends doctoral dissertation
New publications of Viktor Varjú, Tünde Virág and James W. Scott in Ethnic and Racial Studies
INVITATION – The development prospects of industrial cities in Central Europe
The new website of the Institute
Pro Regio Award for Zoltán Hajdú
New publication of László Faragó and James W. Scott in European Planning Studies
Publication of the book of Tünde Virág
Certificate of Merit of the Romanian Regional Science Association
Gábor Lux defends doctoral dissertation
Artobolevsky, Sergey Sergeievich (1953–2014)
New publication of László Faragó and Krisztina Varró in European Planning Studies
The meeting of regions: Csallóköz, Kisalföld
New book of Zoltán Gál
Conference, 26-27 March 2015 in Pécs
Towards European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation
International conference in Moscow – 11 September 2014
Balázs Duray defends PhD dissertation
New publication of Péter Balogh and Márton Pete in Journal of Borderlands Studies
Regional Innovation Conference – Székesfehérvár, November 20, 2009.
Regional Studies Association Annual International Conference 2010 Pécs
ViTo final conference - May 30, 2012
Workshop meeting – June 21, 2012
Publication of a book by Zoltán Csizmadia and András Grosz
IPA REGPHOSYS project started
Ferenc Erdősi Ministerial Delegate
New publication of Tünde Virág and Monika Váradi in Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
Zoltán Grünhut defended his PhD thesis
University Professor appointments
Bálint Koós defends doctoral dissertation
New publication of Judit Timár and Gábor Velkey in Journal of Rural Studies
The principle of subsidiarity in the focal point of interest in Europe again
Research activities of our institute in the most recent issue of Hungarian Science
Scientific Award of the Regional Committee of the HAS for Gábor Lux
Publication of „The transformation of the peasant economy and society”
Energy policy under the pressure of arguments and interests – Pécs, November 19, 2009.
Scientific activity report of the Centre for Regional Studies, year 2010
Ilona Pálné Kovács received the Bibó István Award
Cecília Mezei Outstanding Young Regionalist
Discussion Papers No. 94.
Book presentation – 20th September 2012
Gábor Velkey defended his doctoral dissertation
Scientific activity report of the Institute for Regional Studies, year 2014
Márton Czirfusz defended his PhD dissertation
Ilona Pálné Kovács Kolnai Aurél Award
Call for Applications – Vacancy for Researcher at the Transdanubian Department
New Challenges of Decentralization – Pécs, 9-10 May 2019
Márta Nárai defends doctoral dissertation
State award to Bálint Csatári
Gyula Horváth elected member of the Regional Research of Russia editorial board
Cecília Mezei awarded Bolyai Scholarship
HRSA annual meeting on November 12–13, 2009, Subotica
Internationalisation of Social Sciences in Central and Eastern Europe
Pro Regio Award for Mihály Lados
Danube Region – Analysis and Long-Term Development Trends of the Macro-Region
Scientific activity report of the Institute for Regional Studies, year 2016
Call for participation – Cluj-Napoca, 18-19 October 2014
Gergely Tagai defended his doctoral dissertation
Towards an open and competitive economy Budapest, April 5, 2011
Day of Spatial Development Experts 2009 – The presentations and the official standpoint of the Balatonkenese conference are available
Successful Regphosys workshop in Sellye, 26th November 2013
Terézia Nagy defends doctoral dissertation
New publication of Fabula Szabolcs and Timár Judit in Cities
Publication of the monograph written by Zoltán Gál
The research fellows of CRS in MTA committees
Scientific activity report of the Institute for Regional Studies, year 2017
The Lombardy Project
Kemény Bertalan Village Development Award
Central and North Hungarian Research Institute has been relocated
Alternative Routes Between the Far East and Europe
Ede Petrás defends doctoral dissertation
Jenő Zsolt Farkas defended his PhD thesis
Bolyai-plaquette for Erika Nagy
Habilitation of Zoltán Gál
Great Plain Research Department
Transdanubian Research Department
Central and North Hungarian Research Department
West Hungarian Research Department
Space and Society
Discussion Papers
Ilona Pálné Kovács Kolnai Aurél Award
©1984 – 2025 KRTK Regionális Kutatások Intézete
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