edited by:
György Enyedi - Joeke Veldman
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
168 p.
ISBN 963 01 6629 1
This volume contains the revised papers of a Dutch-Hungarian workshop in "Consequences of rural settlement developments", held at Utrecht from 7-14 November 1983. The workshop was organized by the Working group on socio-spatial research in rural areas under the aegis of both the Netherlands' Organization for Pure Research (zwo) and the Royal Dutch Geographic Society. The workshop focused on rural settlement problems in a cross-cultural comparative perspective. In the editorial introduction on "Key problems in rural settlement research" the general theme and specific sub-themes are elaborated in more detail. From a Dutch perspective this workshop succeeded the Anglo-Dutch seminar, held in Norwich in 1982 and pubIished as "The Changing Countryside" (G. Clark, J. G. Groenendijk and F. Thissen, Eds., Geobooks 1984). Hungarian geographers organized workshops on rural geographical problems with their Polish (1980) and French (1984) colleagues. This type of conference on a bilateral base has turned out to be very fruitful and stimulating.
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